Thursday 29 November 2012

Wondering if I'll do any sewing THIS Thursday

  I got my lovely blue and white bike for my birthday last year, and having a bike has made me realise how much I HATE walking home from school. At 3pm every day I don't want to be walking; I want to be at home watching cartoons with my little brother and sister. A stretch of road which, on a bike, would take me thirty seconds to go down can waste as much as four minutes on foot. It's like flying as a butterfly and then going back inside your pupa again.

  Tonight I have Guides again and we're going to be sewing again. I'm getting my needle-and-scissor-rent shop all set up. It costs extra to thread the needle for you. I wonder if I'll manage to actually sew on some badges of my own this time?

  Random lichen fact: lichen is not a single organism, it's two interdependent species of fungus and algae. The lichen gives the algae a home and support and the algae breaks down nutrients that the fungus can't digest on its own. (I am a random fact generator.)    

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