Thursday 15 November 2012

Ramblings of a Nerd

 Those who have visited this blog before will see that it has a lovely new look! Woo!
 Those people will also know that I ran someone over on my bike yesterday - well, what goes around comes around and today I almost got run over myself. This time it wasn't my fault - I was on the road, it was my right of way, and this huge van suddenly turns and cuts across me. But, once again, I braked just in time. Thank goodness for brakes.
 My Somme Assembly #2 went well but the audience weren't very rewarding. They were the younger people and didn't do such a good job of hiding the fact that they didn't want to be there; they were shuffling with their bags and staring into space. However, the headmistress wants to reward us for our performances. =0. I should be very afraid.

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