Sunday, 23 December 2012

Why I like water biscuits

 I am over the moon at how many views I've been getting! I'll write fast before the laptop crashes again. My dad wants to fix it by destroying everything and then reinstalling it, so I hope my blog subscription won't get destroyed.

 I haven't been doing anything useful lately, just reading books. I finished 'Feeling sorry for Celia' and have now started on 'Finding Cassie crazy', the next book in the series, which is equally good.

 I've just had lunch with my family and I don't really like having meals with my family at the moment. I've started feeling like I'm stuck in a time loop, because my family always sit in the same places and always eat pretty much the same things, and have the same kind of conversations. I feel trapped. I've suddenly developed a liking for water biscuits because if I'm not busy I get depressed, so I always nibble mournfully on water biscuits taking tiny bites to make it last longer. Water biscuits are good because they're really just flour and water and don't contain anything bad for you or many calories.

 That is why I like water biscuits. I always feel guilty when I complain about my family, because really I'm lucky in my family situation, since I still have both my parents etc...

 What are your plans for Christmas? We're going to spend the day tidying up, making Christmas crackers and moving furniture around getting ready for all the people coming round on Boxing Day. I'll get to see my baby cousins :D they are both one year old.

 All my posts seem to be the same length. It must be so boring to read. I will leave you with this photo of a tiger which I took a few years ago when I went to London Zoo, and has nothing to do with anything - but I like tigers.

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