Sunday, 30 December 2012

My family history

 Quick! To beat my target, I have to get 12 pageviews in two days.

 At the moment I'm up north in Hull staying with my grandparents. I took the opportunity to ask them about their parents etc to add to my family history project, but I wasn't expecting anyone to be so helpful. My grandfather couldn't remember a particular name so he rang up his brother, who dug out some old birth certificates and read them out over the phone so I was able to add about three generations onto my family tree straight away. (We were supposed to go round to his house and make copies of the records today, but my grandparents aren't very punctual so we didn't manage to.)

 Then my great-grandfather came round for lunch: he brought some old documents with him too, and I found out that although I'd always thought that I was 100% British, it turns out I'm actually part Irish! My ancestors came from a town in the Republic of Ireland and came over to England in the Great Famine of the 1850s, I think it was. You know the big potato famine of Ireland? Well, the family came over to work at the docks in Hull because there was always plenty of employment there - at that time they were the biggest docks in England.

 It feels bizarre to know that I'm related to Irish Catholics. Anyone reading this in the Republic of Ireland? It's a small world - I might be related to you!

 I'm going to my family history website now to try and trace my great-great-great grandmother. Happy new year!

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