Saturday, 8 December 2012

I escaped!

 I have escaped from my first ever job: running the hook-a-duck stall. The good news is, I managed to talk to every single person who approached me (I hate talking to people who I don't know). Some were more polite than others. And here is a list of the things that went wrong:
  • I think about 70% of the people ran off without taking their change.
  • Two kids, in quick succession, handed me five-pound notes. I ran out of change.
  • Then the lady on the stall next to me asked to borrow some change from me. I HAD NONE.
  • One kid thought that the prize was the duck, and had a tantrum when I didn't let him take the duck home.
  • Most kids didn't talk at all.
  • I had to keep trying to catch the eye of people standing there holding money, because it was too noisy to try and get their attention.
  • The woman on the shift after mine was late; I spent an unhealthy amount of time looking at the clock.
  • The guy selling tickets on the door is my neighbour, so I stopped to chat with him and then a family arrived thinking that I was the one selling tickets. Oops...
 Apart from that it was fine! I especially liked it when one mother told her kid to 'give the money to the lady' (I'm 13). I also found it amusing that a lot of kids were afraid of me. Gone is the time of me shuffling from stall to stall being afraid of each cashier person. Now it's my turn to be the scary one!
Those insane, staring eyes...
 My mum has finished stressing about the Christmas Fayre, and is now stressing about a concert that her choir is giving. She evidently doesn't believe in taking life easy. So everyone else now had to take an active role in running the house: I went shopping and Marmalade is currently making a lasagne - she's a girl of many talents. She's just perfected the technique of using makeup to make herself look like a zebra, and I'm telling the truth here - it's for a GCSE art project, don't ask.
 My mum being out means we can have 3-hour TV marathons in peace. :) Looking forward to a lazy night in.

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