I remembered to eat my lunch today. Admittedly, the pirate story is taking over my life. Megan took me along to a meeting of the school newspaper, which she does drawings for, and I would gladly have contributed something to an article because I love writing, but nobody asked me to so I just did some more sketches for the pirate story.
Marmalade's told me a few scenes that she wants to include, but if she's not careful Megan and I will end up writing the story. We have so many ideas.
I also have a lot of homework, but that's not important.
Yeah, nothing else remotely interesting happened today. Small Person #2 keeps on showing me his Lego models. There is a rule that he's not allowed to talk to me when I'm Working (blogging obviously counts as Work) but he keeps trying to find a loophole ... As for Small Person #1, she's being a child prodigy as always and her design for the program of her Christmas play got selected. At least she's stopped with the trumpet.
She used to be in a choir as well, and I will say this for her: she's better at singing than she is on the trumpet. That's all I'll say.
The Christmas Fayre which my mum is single-handedly organising is on Saturday, and all I can say is THANK GOODNESS. There will be no more tasks. In the past week I have designed some elves, wrapped up a million lucky dip presents, made a display of prizes, gone round sticking up posters for a competition and done the ironing while my mum ran up some stockings on her sewing machine. Can't wait till it's over.
Guides tonight. Not sewing this time.
Random elephant fact: I like this one. A plant in the African savannah, which is a favourite food of elephants, has developed a coating so thick that it can survive being digested by an elephant. However, now the coating is so thick that the plant's seeds can't germinate unless they've been digested by an elephant. So weird...
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