Well, my Baden-Powell is showing signs of being about to happen sometime in the future, so that's a good thing. The Baden-Powell award is the highest award you can get in Girl Guides, but it requires a lot of planning.
I have thought of ANOTHER idea for a story, because this is what my brain does. I tell it not to and it does. The thing I'm not good at is the plots, which sounds really stupid and I guess it is. I love developing my characters and thinking of scenes I can include, but it has to have a plot, doesn't it, not just a load of scenes strung together? It takes me ages to think of a good plot. I mean literally, it takes me years, but that's probably a good thing as I spend ages refining it so it must be OK in the end, right? When I was eleven or something I thought up plots left, right and centre, and when I remember some of them I go 'Oh no, that's irrational, that's boring, that's impossible, that's rubbish' etc. Now I just get ideas.
I have a new character for one of my old stories, too. Her name is Rho Rhenmi and she lives in a desert tribe, but it's a very hi-tech desert tribe and Rho has a double-barrelled laser blaster. It' a security thing. She feels insecure if she doesn't have her double-barrelled laser blaster.
The program still won't let me upload any photos.
Hey, at school we're studying the Diary of Anne Frank and our English teacher told us to start a diary so we can sympathise with Anne. She's not to know that I've been writing a diary since I was seven. My first ever diary entry is about a game I played with my friend when she came round my house. I say "friend" but I was a messed-up child and had no idea how to have friends.
Yesterday I had an idea and started a list of random ideas for stories. I told you earlier that I have lots of ideas but I forget them frequently, so I am writing them all down and it's pretty fun actually. It's also good that I won't forget any of them so I can go through and see which ones I can use and which I can't, rather than trying to do it all in my head.
Here's another thing: The weird thing about me and plots is my daydreams: my daydreams are not absent-minded mental ramblings but strictly structured and THEY ALWAYS HAVE PLOTS. How come I can think of a plot for a daydream in a matter of seconds? They're not really daydreams, I suppose, just mini stories.
I want to tell you about this character who pops up in my mini stories quite a lot, but I've written loads of random stuff already, so I bid you farewell.
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