Thursday, 31 January 2013

I've got another essay to write, for Geography this time. Tonight I'm going to Guides (I have a project to work on for my Baden Powell award at Guides). On Saturday I'm going to a maths masterclass at this posh girls' school. On Sunday Taylor's coming around - her mum expects a lot of her, and she got a bad mark in French recently and I got a good one so her mum's asking if I can "tutor" her in French. I've got some French vocabulary to learn as well, and a music piece, and a book to read for drama, and two drawings and three stories that need finishing.

 You don't think I've got quite a lot to do, do you?

 I had a Biology test today which I finished ten minutes early so I drew the face of a new character I have called Hyacinth. I hope we're allowed to take the tests home once they've been marked because I want that drawing back.

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

My sketchpad

I have a sketchbook for my school artwork, and I am currently designing the front cover for it. I'm covering it with characters from my stories! Ruby Tuesday is in the middle at the bottom, next to the ancient nine-year-old. I've also done a pair of buskers from LittleBrassTown and their very camp best friend, and Grey Owlwolf, and a guy from my Greek short story, and my six favourite characters from my main story, including Rho Rhénmi and her boyfriend and an athlete and an angel and a homeless guy and a guy who likes bubblegum, and above them there's a boy called Ashboy Riderman and above him there's a guy with one eye hanging upside-down from the top of the image, and two assassins.
And I've still got several stories which I haven't included anyone from. I'll need to put in a few ninjas and ...

Sunday, 27 January 2013

Ruby Tuesday

 Well, I'm glad you enjoyed my very descriptive and informative post about geocaching in the dark. If anyone asks, right now I'm writing an essay on Hitler, OK?

 I've just discovered the wonders of headphones. I can turn The Fray or the Rolling Stones right up in my ears while I'm writing and then be dead to the rest of the world. Get this: I can't even hear my sister playing her trumpet! And Marmalade tries to talk to me occasionally but gives up when I stare at the screen of my laptop for a while and then suddenly look up and go "What?"

 I think I will listen to Maroon 5 next. She Will Be Loved.

 At the moment I'm working on a story about people who can see ghosts and spirits. They're called Betweeners because they can talk to people on both sides of the "thin blue line". There's one who's been around for centuries, but his physical appearance is still a nine-year-old boy because it never occured to him that he should grow up. Like Peter Pan, I guess. He says time doesn't have to apply to you if you don't want it to; not if you're a Betweener.

 Yay - The Man Who Can't Be Moved, by The Script! One of my favourite songs ever.

 And there's a ghost of a cowboy called Arizona - he was a Betweener until he got shot, and now he hangs around this other Betweener to help her out, and because she's one of the only people who can still see and hear him. Her name is Ruby Tuesday. Guess where I got that name from? Like the girl in the song, she's free and changes every day, and Arizona follows her around and lives on top of her fridge, because he's a ghost so he can fly.

 Time, I think, for One Republic.

 So the ancient nine-year-old pays Ruby Tuesday a visit and takes her with him on one of the Betweener missions, which is basically carrying messages between the dead and the living (like mediums, except they actually can contact the spirit world, while mediums are normally just very good at making things up) but sometimes they have to solve a murder or sort out a will. While they're on the mission he teaches Ruby all his tricks of cheating time, and she finds out some things about his past...

 On to the Goo Goo Dolls.

 Well, I think that's enough. However long I put it off, that Hitler essay is still due in on Tuesday.

Saturday, 26 January 2013


 I just realised that I said in a post a long time ago I said I'd tell you about a character from one of my mini-stories. I will tell you now.
 He's about 30 years old and his name is Adam - no-one knows if that's his first name, surname, real name, chosen name, etc - he's just Adam.
 He works for a branch of the military who deal with things which the public never find out about :). He used to be a pilot, and he was the best one they had - until he got shot down, and then he was blown up and smashed about and broke his spine and got paralysed. So now he's in a command position - because he used to be a reconnaissance officer he's very good at deciding what a situation needs. So he sits in the control hub of this secret military thing, in a wheelchair, yelling at people. He smokes cigars - at least he used to; now he can't move his hand to get the cigar to his mouth. A quote from him is "I only used to smoke them on special occasions, but I tell you, kid, it'll be a special occasion when I can move my hand enough to smoke one."
 He was one of my favourite characters. I didn't want him to just diasappear, like a lot of my other characters have over the years - so I stuck him in one of my other stories. Sure, I had to twist the plot round to fit him in, but I just love the image of him sitting there in his wheelchair yelling at people and wanting to have a cigar.

 He's based on someone famous, and there are a few massive clues as to who he's based on, so you might be able to guess.

Geocaching in the dark

Don't try geocaching in the dark.

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Fun times

Hi! I'm putting off doing my geography homework. My little brother has one of his friends round, a little Indian boy with gappy teeth, and they're watching TV, and my brother is being too loud because of his autism, and my little sister is being stubborn and annoying, so my brother gets rude, and I'm trying to sort it out, and my siser won't listen to me... fun times.

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

My family history, revisited

I've traced my family history all the way back to Wales. It's really interesting. I'm 1.5% Irish, 0.8%Welsh, and also 1.5% American.

 I hardly do anything except my family history now. And sleep. And homework. And stories. And drawing. And - well, you get the idea. Small Person No#1 has stopped with her trumpet at last and is playing on her Game Boy, Small Person No#2 has just finished explaining his Lego set to me and also gave me a monologue about grenades (I already know about grenades, but he's autistic, it's what he does), my mum is organising her friend's birthday party and the fate of two foster children, my dad is trying to sell the computer game he made, and Marmalade has discovered a new computer game and is keeping up a constant stream of exclamations, such as 'Oh, I dropped my yeti!'

My dog is asleep.

I mentioned that my English teacher told us to keep a diary. A blog counts as a diary, doesn't it?

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

My day...

 After I went round on Saturday, Taylor's parents think I'm "shy". Hmm.

 I'm writing a story about two friends called Jessamy and Nadia, and Jessamy is quiet and very polite, while Nadia is more outgoing and bossy. I realised... Jessamy and Nadia are a bit like Taylor and me! To be honest I'm not much like Nadia but I am compared to Taylor. So today we went around calling each other Jessamy and Nadia, except she kept pronouncing my "name" wrong. I told her 'I'm your best friend, I think you should know by now that my name is Nadia', (the story characters are best friends, have known each other for centuries, etc, even though in real life Taylor and I have only been friends for a month) and a girl called April said 'Oh my god, is your real name Nadia?' and went around telling everyone that it was.


 I'm also not happy because I burned my hand today and it suddenly started hurting in my Biology test, which was VERY DISTRACTING. I guessed some of the answers to the test. I did revise some of the things, but when have you ever had a test which is about the things you've actually revised? I normally rely on my uncanny memory in these situations.

 I don't know if you've ever watched Potter Puppet Pals, but it's basically puppet spin-offs of Harry Potter, as you may have guessed. I can quote basically all of them from memory, not because I've made an effort to memorise them, but because it just sort of sticks in my brain. It's annoying though because it makes everyone think that I'm sad enough to sit down and memorise them.

 Isn't it just typical that I can recite the sketch 'Neville's Birthday', but I can't remember what white blood cells produce?

 For the third time: Hmm.

Monday, 21 January 2013


Here's a tip: when it snows, don't walk behind an unpopular person. Everyone will throw snowballs at the unpopular person, and some people have really, really bad aim.

 I took the long way home so I could go through the park and see what the hill looked like. The poor hill. It's been sledged down to within an inch of its life. I didn't go sledging at the weekend: I went round my friend's house and we ate pringles and did each other's makeup. It's weird because neither my friend nor I are exactly normal teenage girls, however, when we're together, we can pretend we are. I've had all the lectures about not putting any personal details or real names on the internet, so for the purpose of this blog, my friend's name is going to be Taylor after a character in one of her stories. We have so much in common I often worry that I'm her clone. We both write stories and like fantasy, we both love Terry Pratchett (he's an author, if you don't know), we both love to draw, we both have self-esteem problems. She's so quiet she sometimes gets mistaken for part of the wallpaper, and I'm kind of socially awkward.

 Taylor (I'm going to have to remember to call her Taylor) wasn't in school today, so I read my book in he corner and let myself be ignored.

 Because of the snow, our school closed early on Friday and we skidded our way home. It also opened late this morning, so I woke up at normal school time, said 'Lol!', turned over and went back to sleep. Bliss!

 I've finished Heidi and now I'm reading Sherlock Holmes. I love Sherlock; he's so weird.

 Well, that's about everything I can think of.

 Here, why don't you watch the music video for Mr Brightside by The Killers? It's really cool. Also very weird, but it's my favourite song at the moment.

 Mr Brightside

Monday, 14 January 2013

Well, my Baden-Powell is showing signs of being about to happen sometime in the future, so that's a good thing. The Baden-Powell award is the highest award you can get in Girl Guides, but it requires a lot of planning.

 I have thought of ANOTHER idea for a story, because this is what my brain does. I tell it not to and it does. The thing I'm not good at is the plots, which sounds really stupid and I guess it is. I love developing my characters and thinking of scenes I can include, but it has to have a plot, doesn't it, not just a load of scenes strung together? It takes me ages to think of a good plot. I mean literally, it takes me years, but that's probably a good thing as I spend ages refining it so it must be OK in the end, right? When I was eleven or something I thought up plots left, right and centre, and when I remember some of them I go 'Oh no, that's irrational, that's boring, that's impossible, that's rubbish' etc. Now I just get ideas.

 I have a new character for one of my old stories, too. Her name is Rho Rhenmi and she lives in a desert tribe, but it's a very hi-tech desert tribe and Rho has a double-barrelled laser blaster. It' a security thing. She feels insecure if she doesn't have her double-barrelled laser blaster.

 The program still won't let me upload any photos.

 Hey, at school we're studying the Diary of Anne Frank and our English teacher told us to start a diary so we can sympathise with Anne. She's not to know that I've been writing a diary since I was seven. My first ever diary entry is about a game I played with my friend when she came round my house. I say "friend" but I was a messed-up child and had no idea how to have friends.

 Yesterday I had an idea and started a list of random ideas for stories. I told you earlier that I have lots of ideas but I forget them frequently, so I am writing them all down and it's pretty fun actually. It's also good that I won't forget any of them so I can go through and see which ones I can use and which I can't, rather than trying to do it all in my head.
 Here's another thing: The weird thing about me and plots is my daydreams: my daydreams are not absent-minded mental ramblings but strictly structured and THEY ALWAYS HAVE PLOTS. How come I can think of a plot for a daydream in a matter of seconds? They're not really daydreams, I suppose, just mini stories.

 I want to tell you about this character who pops up in my mini stories quite a lot, but I've written loads of random stuff already, so I bid you farewell.

Sunday, 6 January 2013

I failed to meet my target. I did not get more pageviews in December than I did in November, so November is still my record and I'll have to try and beat it again.

 I enjoyed 2012. It was a good year, and I was 13 - I liked being 13. It was great until Christmas - it was a bit of an empty Christmas, and it's over already. (Yes, I know it was Christmas two weeks ago - I still haven't caught up yet.) I'm wondering if this will be an empty year.

 Sorry! Feeling depressed again today! I'll listen to Mr Brightside by The Killers and see if that helps.

I'd give you another picture of an animal but the program won't let me.