Tuesday, 5 February 2013

My dad put the laptop together again, and it still doesn't work! It doesn't switch on at all. It's like he unplugged all the wires and then reconnected everything except the on button.

 I'm on my mum's computer again, this time doing a French assignment, but she's out taking Small Person #1 to Brownies.

 You know, Taylor read every single post of this blog last night. All of them. I mean, there are about fifty of them! And the first ones ever are really rubbish. Hey, Taylor, did you work out all the nicknames?

 I got my biology paper back today, and not only did I get an A*, I also got back my drawing of Hyacinth that I did on page 3.

 Last night Maramlade was drafting her CV and my mum said not to disturb her, so I sat doing my family tree with Marmalade occasionally bouncing ideas off me or asking a question about grammar and what she should wear to the job interview. See, I was being really helpful!

 I drew loads of my story characters today, and I'll scan them in if the laptop ever starts working again. My dad wants to buy me a new one, a small palm-top type thing so I can write stories, but my mum says it's "silly money".

 I'm really hungry. SP#2 has got her friend round so I decided to eat later cause I couldn't stand any of the friend's babbling conversation.

 And I have too much homework.

 I guess it's time to actually finish the French, not just pretend to.

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