Wednesday 6 February 2013


 You won't believe this, but I'm actually writing this on a laptop, with the laptop on my lap, and it hasn't crashed for at least three minutes.

 I've got The Fray in my headphones. Small Person #1 is screeching on her trumpet. Small Person #2 is looking at Lego on the internet. (He's a 6-year-old addict.) All back to normal.

 Tomorrow I'm going to London to see We Will Rock You. It's a school trip for people who are talented at music - I'm not talented but I do better than the other people in my class because I'm one of about three people who can actually be bothered to try. Taylor's the same (you should hear her trying to sing :D. No offence, Taylor) and she keeps asking me what I'm going to wear.

 So that's great cause I love London, but it means I have to finish my Geography essay today.

This is letting me post photos again so, in celebration, I shall give you this one of a sulking tortoise. I took it two or three years ago; it's quite funny.

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