Tuesday 30 October 2012

The drawing wall

I don't still own every drawing I've done since I was five years old. Some get lost or are in drawing books, and also some of the books got lost. That's why the wall of my bedroom only has 30 drawings on it. This is a photo of one half of the Drawing Wall.

The Drawing Wall

 These drawings are, apart from one or two, all characters from my stories. The wall is where I put all my drawings (apart from the ones in sketchbooks, because although there are many things that you can do with Blutack, you can't use it to stick sketchbooks to a wall).
My drawing
Here is a horribly grainy picture of a drawing that I finished this morning of a mechanic girl and her warrior boyfriend. The girl's name is Tinker and the boy is called Tarquin; he's one of my favourite characters, who comes from a circus in Pakistan. In the circus he used to dance and be a fireater, sometimes both at once on a tightrope - so what's not to love? Then again, I have a lot of favourite characters. And the girl likes dancing and banana sandwiches. She is always covered in oil and keeps a spanner in her hair.

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