Monday 15 April 2013

 Marmalade and I just had a huge fight about whether or not the Doctor has a new TARDIS. It was one of those arguments where you're both completely sure that you're right and can't believe how unreasonable the other person is being. She kept saying 'Who told you that?' and I wasn't quite sure how to communicate the fact that no-one told me because I saw it for myself. In the end I found an article online which clearly says that he DOES have a new TARDIS.

 Anyway... I have three exams coming up and have started a new story about a freak show, and Elliot is going to be an archaeologist, actually.

 What a great thing to fight over, eh? Totally worth it.

Wednesday 3 April 2013

The Easter egg hunt

 Hi peoples, I hope you are having a good Easter. I spent Easter organizing an egg hunt for people ranging in age between 1 and 12. The twelve-year-old had a blast, the eight-year-olds did very well, the 6-year-old didn't, the 2-year-old did, and the 1-year-old... well...

 It's probably just because I'm jinxed and anything I organise goes wrong. It was my job to look after the 1-year-old. He found two tennis balls, a football, a golf club, a bucket, and just about everything except an Easter egg. Well, I guess so long as he had fun, that was OK. And he got his chocolate in the end cause I found them all for him.

 That's another bit of Alimonsoon advice for you, I guess. Don't try geocaching in the dark, don't go on a penny trail, and don't make a 1-year-old do an Easter egg hunt.

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Elliot, the 6-year-old scientist

I haven't posted on here in a while, but I'm under strict instructions from Taylor, so...
My little brother has decided to become an "animal scientist". (It's better than his last idea for a job which was miner, because he watched The Incredibles and wanted to drive a machine like the Underminer has at the end. We all assured him that these machines don't exist.)
 Anyway, we had roast chicken on Sunday so SP#2, who I think I shall nickname Elliot for this blog, asked to keep the skeleton in his room.

 He was greatly discouraged from this and found some other things to 'study'. He studied a snail, the dog, and our fish. And he was very happy when someone printed out some images of animal skeletons for him.

 (I'm hungry. I will listen to music to distract myself.)

 Thing is, Elliot doesn't really know what 'studying' means, so he just stares very hard at his subject, occasionally turning his head. I don't know if  he's just waiting for a scientific theory to form in his head or what, or what he's looking for, or what scientists actually do. Well, he's only six.

 I've got no idea what to nickname SP#1, but the news about her is that she's just won a music competition. That was on her recorder, not her trumpet (She came last when playing the trumpet). But anyway, she's chuffed about it.

 And Marmalade's flirting with a vampire.

 So, nothing interesting to report.

Monday 25 February 2013


 Yesterday, I wasted my first hour on Facebook. I now know that I'm a real teenager.

 Marmalade made green cupcakes.

 My little brother is busy destroying balloons from my little sister's birthday party.

 My mum started her new job today so she's even more stressed than usual.

 But this is what I really wanted to say: I have more story ideas than I have stories. I keep thinking of new characters, or concepts, and before I know it, all my stories have sequels... Most of them are originally meant to be one-offs, but the sequels are just too awesome to ignore! And then the first story gets forgotten because it seems boring compared to the sequel.

 Speaking of boring... I always talk about stories on this blog, don't I?

 Anyway, I've invented a sequel character who I like a lot. He's a teenage mad scientist. He lives in his workshop where he invents steam- and clockwork-powered stuff. He has a pet weasel. (Why not?) He often walks around with the weasel around his neck, like a living scarf. He likes to eat ice cream and his favourite place is Edinburgh. His social skills are truly terrible. He may be autistic, like my brother and I - he has some of the same problems. He also has a motorbike; a huge, loud one which he built himself. But he doesn't always use it. Sometimes when he goes off on the bizarre, secretive night-time missions which only he knows about, he travels over the rooftops. The unplanned sequel starts with him crashing through the main character's roof. (She lives in a tumbledown barn.)

 So, there's another character profile for you. Hope you like it.

Wednesday 20 February 2013

My dog

 It's my dog's birthday today. We took him for a walk and made a cake, but dogs can't eat cake, so we ate it because we are so helpful and considerate. Also we got him a toy to shred, because he loves to shred things.
 Aren't dogs' lives uncomplicated? Eat, sleep, walk, shred things.

Saturday 16 February 2013

The mutant flower

 Guess what? The smallest sweet pea, the weird one, has stopped trying to grow sideways and has now grown two heads! Well, not heads, but you know what I mean. I always knew that one was an anomaly.

 My mum got the job. She starts the Monday after next.

 Marmalade's job interview went amazingly well. I did get a minute-by-minute description.

 I taught SP#1 to play Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star on the keyboard. That's the first tune I ever learned, and now she plays it non-stop. . . sigh. . . I guess I should have anticipated that.

Friday 15 February 2013


 I have a new laptop.

 My grandparents are coming to stay in about fifteen minutes. They'll be here for the weekend. And so my mum has been stressing out about getting the house tidy - she has four kids, how tidy does she expect it to be? Right now she's stressing out about cooking 'cause my grandma's a vegetarian. And my brother is stressing her out more wanting to go on her computer.

 I've told you about how she stresses about the Small Peoples' School, and now she's been offered a part-time job there, so she can get paid for stressing out, so that's good.

 Speaking of part-time jobs, Marmalade's had an interview for one today, and when something stressful happens to her, she generally sits down and talks and talks and talks and talks talks and talks and talks and talks about every little detail of it. So I can expect a minute-by-minute description of the interview pretty soon.

 My sweet peas are doing very well, except the smallest one, which is trying to grow sideways.