Wednesday 3 April 2013

The Easter egg hunt

 Hi peoples, I hope you are having a good Easter. I spent Easter organizing an egg hunt for people ranging in age between 1 and 12. The twelve-year-old had a blast, the eight-year-olds did very well, the 6-year-old didn't, the 2-year-old did, and the 1-year-old... well...

 It's probably just because I'm jinxed and anything I organise goes wrong. It was my job to look after the 1-year-old. He found two tennis balls, a football, a golf club, a bucket, and just about everything except an Easter egg. Well, I guess so long as he had fun, that was OK. And he got his chocolate in the end cause I found them all for him.

 That's another bit of Alimonsoon advice for you, I guess. Don't try geocaching in the dark, don't go on a penny trail, and don't make a 1-year-old do an Easter egg hunt.

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