Monday, 15 April 2013

 Marmalade and I just had a huge fight about whether or not the Doctor has a new TARDIS. It was one of those arguments where you're both completely sure that you're right and can't believe how unreasonable the other person is being. She kept saying 'Who told you that?' and I wasn't quite sure how to communicate the fact that no-one told me because I saw it for myself. In the end I found an article online which clearly says that he DOES have a new TARDIS.

 Anyway... I have three exams coming up and have started a new story about a freak show, and Elliot is going to be an archaeologist, actually.

 What a great thing to fight over, eh? Totally worth it.

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

The Easter egg hunt

 Hi peoples, I hope you are having a good Easter. I spent Easter organizing an egg hunt for people ranging in age between 1 and 12. The twelve-year-old had a blast, the eight-year-olds did very well, the 6-year-old didn't, the 2-year-old did, and the 1-year-old... well...

 It's probably just because I'm jinxed and anything I organise goes wrong. It was my job to look after the 1-year-old. He found two tennis balls, a football, a golf club, a bucket, and just about everything except an Easter egg. Well, I guess so long as he had fun, that was OK. And he got his chocolate in the end cause I found them all for him.

 That's another bit of Alimonsoon advice for you, I guess. Don't try geocaching in the dark, don't go on a penny trail, and don't make a 1-year-old do an Easter egg hunt.